healthy way to avoid diabetes

Showing posts with label Diabetes Media Muck-ups. Show all posts
Thursday, May 18, 2017

#TBT #dblogweek Day 4: The Diabetes Stuff That Brings Me Down

I t's day four of Diabetes blog week. Today's topic is a #TBT from the 2014 Diabetes Blog Week. It's all about emotions and diab...
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Slate.Com : With Diabetes, "Even" Little Words Matter

This post started out as a post about the disgusting Mylan epi-pen price increase and how it mirrors the insulin prices increases, but then ...
Monday, May 16, 2016

#dBlogWeek: Message Monday~

Day one of #DBlogWeek and it’s all about the message. And to quote Karen, the creator of #dblogweek, directly : " Message Monday: What ...
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dear CrossFit: My Diabetes Homies & I Would Like You To Know....

NO, NO, NO.  Dear CrossFit: My Diabetes Homies & I Would Like You To Know....  Making fun of people with diabetes isn’t funny. It’s offe...