healthy way to avoid diabetes

Showing posts with label #dsma. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Adulting With Diabetes

"Adulting with diabetes," buying what you need (and have just run out of,) with your Target GiftCard, instead of splurging on some...
Thursday, May 18, 2017

#TBT #dblogweek Day 4: The Diabetes Stuff That Brings Me Down

I t's day four of Diabetes blog week. Today's topic is a #TBT from the 2014 Diabetes Blog Week. It's all about emotions and diab...
Monday, April 25, 2016

Thanks DOC, The 2nd #IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes Day Was A SuccessBecause of YOU.

The 2nd annual #IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes Day on Twitter, Facebook and the blogosphere was a success and I’m so grateful and happy.  Hone...
Thursday, April 7, 2016

#IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes Means That Every Day With Diabetes Is Different

Today is World Health Day -and the 2016 focus is all about diabetes and "beating diabetes,"  and I'm glad that the focus of  ...