healthy way to avoid diabetes

Showing posts with label #sparearose. Show all posts
Friday, February 10, 2017

Spare A Rose, Save A Child

$5 dollars is all it takes~ I love “Spare A Rose.”   I love that for the cost of 1 rose, ($5) you can provide one month (as in one bottle of...
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Slate.Com : With Diabetes, "Even" Little Words Matter

This post started out as a post about the disgusting Mylan epi-pen price increase and how it mirrors the insulin prices increases, but then ...
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Of Eye Exam Stress & Spreading The Word About Spare A Rose~

I dragged my feet getting to my eye appointment this morning - and that’s nothing new.  I am perpetually late for my eye exams because of th...