healthy way to avoid diabetes

Showing posts sorted by date for query Diabetes Day March 2016. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Monday, November 28, 2016

Post Election Funk, Fear, Pulling Myself Up By My BootStraps & Forging Ahead

Because the past few weeks has been hard on our whole nation - but I'm forging ahead with a  vengeance.  ###### Post election funk is re...
Monday, October 24, 2016

Me + T1 Diabetes+ Weight Gain+ Insulin Resistance + Metformin ER =

A little over two years ago I started gaining weight - and no matter how much I walked, rode my bike, counted carbs and kept an eye on my pl...
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3/5/16: JDRF Greater Chesapeake & Potomac Chapter's 2016 TypeOneNation Summit In Bethesda, MD.

Hey Greater Chesapeake & Potomac DOCERs and beyond - If you’re in or around the MD/DC/Northern VA area on Saturday March 5th, I encoura...