healthy way to avoid diabetes

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Lauren's Hope Giveaway & A Life Lesson In The Surf~

After THIS low blood sugar of 46,  incident at TJMAXX in June, the folks at Lauren’s Hope reached out to me and offered to send me a couple of their new Summer/casual inspired Medical Bracelets - and I was glad they did. 
FTR: I'm a fan of Lauren's Hope and I wear (and wrote a review,) for their Ooh,La La bracelet, which I love and. Unfortunately, I wasn't wearing that bracelet during  my TJMAXX experience - AND I WILL NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN. 

The Bracelets
First up:  The ClearWater Medical ID Bracelet. 
This is the Clearwater bracelet ~
Why I like The Clearwater bracelet: It’s pretty, I wear a lot of blues, greens, yellows, purples and black, so the aqua beads work with everything I own. I also wear a lot of sterling silver jewelry, so the sterling bar beads seamlessly blend with my other sterling accessories
The ClearWater can go from casual to dressy and it’s one of the few “dainty” looking pieces of jewelry that I can wear. And while it looks “dainty,” it isn’t - it’s incredibly durable.
Also. the bracelet is interchangeable with any Lauren's Hope medical ID tag.  
On Tuesday, my niece Tess saw the bracelet on my wrist and thought it was beautiful, which it is - and several strangers have stopped me and asked where they could get one.
Important info:  
Important information regarding this braceletThe Lauren's Hope website states that the clearwater bracelet is not not to worn in hot tubs, the pool, or ocean water.

Lauren’s Hope also sent me the Journey Cuff bracelet - see below. 
I love the textured pattern of the Journey Cuff - I also love that it's swimming and surf proof!
Also: It makes me feel like I'm Wonder Woman! 
The Journey Cuff is stainless steel, is impervious to both the elements and my clumsiness, and it’s stylish. Personally, I LOVE cuff bracelets and I’ve been wearing the Journey out and on the town, I also wear every time I go swimming in the ocean. The Journey stays securely on my wrist and has never come off in the water, and both the patina and the Rod of Asclepius symbols have not faded.
The Journey Bracelet also became a valuable teaching moment for my 10 year old friend “BrownEyedGirl," who I’ve written about several times, before.  

The Lesson
Brown Eyed Girl and I made our way past the crowds and through the waves - the storms off the coast meant the waves were good and the currents were strong - we went out deep and began body surfing  
One wave took me all they way to the shallow water - and as I stood up, Brown Eyed Girl came running towards me and shouting: KELLY, YOU’RE WEARING JEWELRY IN THE WATER - THAT’S NOT GOOD. TAKE IT OFF AND PUT IT WITH OUR STUFF!

Sidebar: BrownEyedGirl notices EVERYTHING.
I looked down textured pattern of my Lauren’s Hope Medical Cuff bracelet and smiled. 
No, this bracelet is for wearing all the time - even in the water. It protects me.” 
BrownEyedGirl: From the waves?
Me: NO! It’s a Medical Identification bracelet - My information is on the bracelet - My name, that I have diabetes, my Doctor’s name and phone number, incase I can’t tell them myself.
BrownEyedGirl: What do you mean,“if you can’t tell them?” 
Me: Liiiike if I’m in a car accident or something happens because of my diabetes and I can’t talk or I’m not awake.
Sidebar: I was trying to keep things simple and low key. Brown Eyed Girl is a 10 year old going on 40 - she was born with the personality of a little mother hen and she’s a worrier.

Brown Eyed Girl: But Kel, how do they KNOW it’s that kind of bracelet? 
Me: Good question, BEG. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you that. 
See these two red symbols on the front of the bracelet - their called the Rod of Asclepius and it’s code for Medical bracelet. Doctors, police, firemen and EMTs are trained to look for the symbols on jewelry and tatoos with the symbol - even regular people like you and me know what the symbol means. 

Brown Eyed Girl. OH, OK - I GET IT.  Kel, is that bracelet just for people with diabetes? 
Me: No, it’s for anyone with a disease or allergies, or other health issues
BrownEyedGirl: Hey, you wore a black and silver bead bracelet with that symbol on it on Christmas Eve. 
Me: I did! that’s my fancy Medical ID Bracelet -  but this one is to wear everyday and especially when I swim. 

Brown Eyed Girl: Kelly, can I see what the bracelet says about you? 
Me: It says I’m AWESOME... but OK. 
I took it off quickly, turned the underside of the cuff towards her while holding it tightly in my hand and let her read the info out loud, then quickly slipped it back on and tightened the cuff securely on my wrist. 
Brown Eyed Girl: I’m glad you have that bracelet, Kel. 
Hey, want to go back out in the deep water  and watch me do the Butterfly Stroke? 
Me: You mean your award winning Butterfly Stroke? The one you won a 1st place medal for at swim clinic a few weeks ago? Yeah, I do!

And that’s exactly what we did... and a wonderful time was had by all ~

Speaking of winning... 
The Contest
Here’s your chance to win a $50 egift certificate, courtesy of Lauren’s Hope.
The Rules
1. Leave a comment on this blog post stating why you'd like to win the Lauren’s Hope gift certificate - and any other thoughts that cross your mind while reading this post.  
2. You or someone you love must have diabetes.
FTR: Lauren's Hope offers Medical ID Jewelry for women, men and children. 

3. The winner will be chosen announced here on the blog, Monday, August 8th and the winning entry will be chosen by

4. If you win, you have 48 hours to email me ( or facebook me with your name and email address.

If I don't hear from you by Wednesday, I will choose a new winner. 

As I stated previously, Lauren’s Hope gave me both bracelets, free of charge. 
And while I appreciate that kind gesture, it was up to me if wore them or wrote about them. 
As you can see, I did both. But as you all all know, my thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone~ 

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Related : A Lauren's Hope Giveaway & A Life Lesson In The Surf~


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