healthy way to avoid diabetes

Sunday, November 8, 2015

8 Is Great~

8 is great!
It’s been crazy as of late and I'm glad for that. 
But the craziness has made me me forget a few things - Like picking up the dry-cleaning I dropped off two weeks ago, a friend's recent Birthday, and a dermatology appointment that was scheduled for this Tuesday - thankfully they called on Friday to reschedule or I would have missed it - even though it was on my iCalendar (and I'm religious about using my iCalendar,) because it wasn't on my brain's radar. 
And then 15 minutes ago ( just as I was about to write my Diabetes Awareness Month, Day 8, facebook status,) I suddenly, said out loud: SHIT, tomorrow my blog turns 8 years old!
How the hell did that happen? 
When I started blogging about diabetes I’d never read a diabetes blog before. 
It’s not that I didn’t know people with diabetes before finding the DOC, because I did.
 I met my first friend with diabetes when I was 8.
(sidebar: there's that number again!)
 I went to diabetes camp, my neighbor had diabetes, so did two upper Classmen and an under Classman I'd gone to high school with. 
Over the years, I'd met others with diabetes here and there. 
Also, HELLO, have you seen my family tree?

But did I have a sense of diabetes community? 
Did I understand the power of community? 
Nope, not until I started blogging about diabetes.
And for decades, I wore an anchor of diabetes guilt around my neck and I wasn’t even aware it was there. 
Since finding the DOC, I’ve found my tribe, a community of friends who have become family, and I've found my greatest passion - helping others with diabetes!
I’ve also learned (and am still learning,) to let go of whatever happened in the past with my life, diabetes and none diabetes related, so I can have a better now and a more fantastical future.

The DOC taught me to develop and use my diabetes voice - and I will continue to.
I’ve unfurled my diabetes freak flag, I’m getting my diabetes freak on, daily. 
And I’m great with that! 
And I’ve learned that together, the power of WE, can move mountains. 
And I’ve seen mountains move and made mountains move with all of you, because we as a community are mountain movers!  
I love moving mountains with you guys. 
I love and appreciate turning to you when I’m in need of support, and I hope I’ve been able to support you when you’ve needed it.

I don’t know what the next 12 months will bring me, but I know the DOC will continue to act as my rudder in life and my life with diabetes. 
And I know that the DOC will continue to steer me on course, and in the direction of better, towards the point of becoming and positive change.

So while I might have forgotten that my blog turns 8 on Monday and have scheduled other cool stuff on my blogs plate for tomorrow, 
I will never forget that blogging and finding the DOC has changed my life dramatically and for the better. 

Thanks and I love you guys!! 

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Related : 8 Is Great~


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