healthy way to avoid diabetes

Monday, November 14, 2016

World Diabetes Day 2016

I apologize for the radio silence this past week - there was some stuff going on in my country, the United States - I’ll leave it at that. 
Today, Monday November 14th, 2016 is Word Diabetes Day - I’ve lived with T1 for 39 years, and I’ve known (and loved,) many people who didn’t survive the diabetes dark ages - or whose lives were severely shortened because of those diabetes dark days. 
We are so damn lucky and blessed! 
I/we survived and are surrounded and inspired daily, by a global diabetes online community. A community that has our backs and keeps fighting for every single person living with diabetes on the planet.
November 14th is also the 125th birthday of Dr. Banting and I keeping thinking of how I wouldn’t be here (and neither would you, or someone you love,)  if Dr. Banting & Company hadn’t discovered insulin. 
And not just me - most of my immediate family wouldn't be here, because my late father was diagnosed with t1 in the early 1950s. 
If insulin hadn’t been discovered and if dad hadn’t had access to it- my father would have died as a very young man - and my branch of the Kunik Family tree would have a been a small twig. 
Same goes for my dad's two younger sister's who were diagnosed in the 1940s - they wouldn't have survived, therefore my cousins never would have been born.

Last night our friend Renza from Diabetogenic in Australia ,broke the news to those of us in this hemisphere, that Google finally dedicated a Google Doodle to our hero Dr. Banting. 
As long as I’ve been a member of the Diabetes Online Community - since 2007 to be exact. My blogaversary was on November 9th - lots of things were going down in the U.S. that day and I didn’t write about this year, but I digress. 
Back to the story, since I became a member of the DOC family in “07,” the DOC has been petitioning for a #WDD Google Doodle - and now we have one!

Dr. Banting and World Diabetes Day are Google Doodlefied! 
Today I will be doing my Big Blue Test , participating in the 5th annual, 24 hour World Diabetes Day, twitter chat #WWDchat16 for those of you who only speak in hashtags. HUGE thanks to Cherise over at DCaf - for making this chat happen!
 I will be hosting the 7pm to 8pm hour tonight :) 
I will make a donation to IDF’s Life For A Child, an d I will do my best to help as many diabetes orgs as I can. 

Speaking of diabetes orgs, Kerri over at sixuntilme has a wonderful breakdown of ways you can help others living with diabetes this month and every month - and how others living with diabetes can help you - click HERE, now.  

We are on this together - now and forever! 

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Related : World Diabetes Day 2016


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